Vivek Ramaswamy Perfectly Explains In One Sentence Why Affirmative Action is Wrong

This year, the Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling against affirmative action in higher education that sent a ripple of panic throughout the left wing of the United States. A program sold to increase minority representation in higher education and industry is back in the spotlight this year thanks to that decision.

Gallons of ink has been spilled arguing over the matter. Fortunately, GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has hammered the injustice and irrationality behind affirmative action.

In just one sentence, Vivek perfectly displayed how flawed the concept is. Let’s examine what Mr. Ramaswamy said and the proof behind his argument.

White Men Can’t Jump

This week, Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy wrote on X:

“Everyone agrees that affirmative action in the NBA would ruin basketball, and affirmative action in the NFL would ruin football. Turns out that affirmative action in engineering & medicine has a similar effect: this should surprise no one.”

While there is technically affirmative action in sports, such as the “Rooney Rule” set in place in 2002 by the NFL to increase recruitment of black coaches in head coaching positions, the spirit of what Vivek says is sound. Nobody wants to watch a basketball or football game with players picked for their positions based on diversity as opposed to their physical and athletic ability.

Let’s just apply that universally: one wouldn’t want a surgeon who was chosen for the job based on their race versus medical abilities operating on them, or a head engineer placed based on the color of their skin versus the ability to understand complex systems and mechanics working on military aircraft. And yet, the matter is still up for debate.

Mr. Ramaswamy has been clear about what America should stand for, and it isn’t anything related to what affirmative action perpetrates:

“I think we need to put ‘merit’ back into ‘America’ in every spirit of our lives.”

The reality is Vivek isn’t alone in his dislike for affirmative action; more and more Americans are turning against this concept, too.

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Common sense

This year, the Pew Research Center polled Americans’ thoughts on affirmative action. What they found was interesting.

Regarding affirmative action, 36% of those polled believe it is a good concept, 29% believe it is bad, and 33% are unsure. While these specific results seem underwhelming, things become much more enlightening when you drill down deeper into the poll.

Regarding colleges considering race and ethnicity in their admissions process, 50% of Americans disapprove, with only 33% approving and the remainder 16% unsure. The Pew Research Center found that an overwhelming 74% believe employers should only consider concrete qualifications when hiring versus a small 24% who believe race and ethnicity should be a factor in the hiring process.

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To lay this out more simply, when asked a generic question on feelings towards affirmative action, Americans tend to be more unsure of how to answer or reluctant to say it’s all good or it’s all bad. However, when asked specific questions regarding race and ethnicity as deciding factors in processes meant to give individuals opportunities, Americans are more inclined to speak out against the concept.

Why the difference? Nobody wants to be that guy who says they don’t like affirmative action because nobody wants to be labeled a racist by the left-wing progressive machine.

Insult to injury

The panic was in full force after the Supreme Court ruled six to three against college admissions processes that give extra weight to applicants from what are considered ‘underrepresented’ groups.

Headlines such as this one from the Associated Press could be seen everywhere:

“Patients need doctors who look like them. Can medicine diversity without affirmative action?”

This argument that black people need to be treated by black doctors is a long-held theory that essentially claims that white doctors are unable and, at times, unwilling to treat black patients appropriately due to their inherent bias or racism depending on the language du jour, which in turn is why the black population has a higher mortality rate. 

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As Vivek has pointed out:

“I come down on the side of, it was a failed experiment, and, actually, many black Americans are worse off economically than they were in the 1960s. Fewer black children are born into stable households today than was the case in 1960.”

And therein lies the sinister truth behind the fundamental goal of affirmative action.

You can’t do it without us

Mr. Ramaswamy said of affirmative action:

“It’s left us more divided, and it has even hurt the very people it was supposedly designed to help.”

After the Supreme Court ruling, comments made by professionals claimed that the end of affirmative action meant the end of opportunities for black people.

Physician and founder of Advancing Health Equity Dr. Uche Blackstock said:

“…the lack of black representation among black health professionals is a problem for younger generations since ‘you can’t be what you can’t see.’”

The idea that ‘you can’t be what you can’t see’ is a manipulation to control groups and mold their psyche to believe this phrase to enforce dependence on the government to dictate their success. America is built on the concept that individuals can do and achieve whatever they put their minds to, regardless of superficial characteristics.

Success in America used to be based on an individual’s hard work, resilience, and determination – otherwise known as merit. Success is now predicated and regulated based on false idols named diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Race-based initiatives in hiring and admissions argue that only certain diversity or stories of hardship matter or are essential to a person’s ability to elevate themselves. Worse yet, the initiatives have nothing to do with the actual elevation of individuals and everything to do with the outward public relations claims organizations can use to paint themselves as allies to communities of color.

Affirmative action ruins everything; if we aren’t careful, it will destroy the United States.

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