Indian rescuers drill to rescue 40 tunnel workers trapped for five days

DEHRADUN: Indian rescuers said on Thursday (Nov 16) that a powerful new drilling machine had been deployed as efforts to free 40 workers trapped in a collapsed road tunnel entered their fifth day.

Excavators have been removing debris since Sunday morning from the site of the collapse in the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand to create an escape tunnel for the workers, some of whom have fallen sick.

But rescue efforts have been slowed by debris continuing to fall as workers laboured to clear the tunnel, with progress stalled after an earth-boring drill developed problems.

The air force flew in a second drilling machine on a C-130 Hercules military plane on Wednesday, with the giant drill bit stretching much the length of the aircraft’s cargo hold.

“Drilling is starting soon,” rescue leader Deepak Patil said Thursday.

Engineers are trying to drive a steel pipe about 90cm wide through the debris, wide enough for the trapped men to squeeze through.

India has sought advice from the Thai company that rescued children from a flooded cave in 2018 as it races to save the men, as well as from engineering experts in soil and rock mechanics at the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute.

Rescuers can communicate with the trapped men using radios.

Food, water and oxygen have also been sent to the trapped workers via a pipe – too narrow for people to escape through – as well as medicine.

No details have been given about the condition of the men or how many of them were sick.

Dozens of colleagues of the trapped workers protested outside the tunnel on Wednesday, blaming authorities for “slow rescue work”, one of the protesters told AFP.

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